Some say when you’re smitten about another person, you’ve been struck by Cupid’s arrow. And the outcome of that erotic impaling all depends on if you have an HMO, PPO, or Medicaid. Think about it; if Romeo had good mental health care, that love story could’ve ended a lot differently, instead of suicide before he checked all of Juliet’s vitals. Alas good people, I digress. What weighs most on determining the outcome is the courting process. And why not make, “Learning Cupids Tricks” part of it? Grab a good breakfast, some gumption, relaxed breath and go to The Rancho Park Archery Range. Every Saturday at 11am and 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:30pm, they offer free archery lessons and equipment rental. One little known fact is this same archery range was built for the 1984 Olympics, and still remains today. The best part is they no longer test for performance enhancing drugs here. So that new Celebrex prescription won’t get in the way of you getting official credit for all of your sharp shooting.
The goal here is to have some fun, do something different, and chances are you’ll both look equally awkward and laugh at each other. And laughter is some good medicine. Maybe not as cool as Celebrex, but damn good. Let's be realistic here; you have a better chance of leaving more Cupid Hood than Robin Hood. Either way, keep it hood and flex your bow with some “Drive By Cupid Shootings”. By that I mean spread the word to other couples and singles looking to do something different. I would never advocate violence or driving in LA.
Packing a gourmet lunch from your favorite market could be a nice add on after you finish at The Archery Range. Rancho Park is one of LA's best parks.

A Big Thanks to Cornelius Smith Jr (AKA Frankie Hubbard from All My Children) for doing field research on this blog. What better combo? Soap Stars and Cupid go together like Pinks Hot Dogs and unnecessary lines.
When: Saturdays at 11am(Get there 15-30 min early to make sure you get in)
2nd Sunday of every month @ 1:30
Where: Rancho Park Archery Range
2459 Motor Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
It’s a little tricky to find. See link to map.
Why: Learning something new together is always fun. And why you’re there why not make a friendly wager for a foot massage for whoever gets closest to hitting a bulls eye after 10 tries.
Cost: FREE